I was feeling nostalgic, so I decided to take my three daughters – Claire, 12, Mary, 11, and Sadie, 4 – out to Folly Beach for some sunset lifestyle photos. Here are a few tips I have for capturing the essence of your children and freezing time, if just a bit.
Lifestyle Photos of my children: Claire, 12, Mary, 11, and Sadie, 4 at Folly Beach, SC, Summer 2024
1. Timing is key - aim to shoot early in the morning or near sunset for the best lighting and to avoid squinting in the sun.
2. Set limits - dedicate about 20 minutes each day to taking photos to prevent burnout and allow you to fully enjoy your vacation.
3. Let them be themselves - encourage natural expressions by letting your children be themselves and interact with them in a fun and engaging way.
4. Get on their level - squat or kneel to create a more intimate composition and capture their expressions at eye level.
5. Focus on the details—instead of just smiles, pay attention to unique details like hands, sand between toes, or their oh-so-valuable seashell collection.
Remember, the most important thing is to enjoy the moment and create lasting memories with your family!